Investments, Gold & Diamonds
We are expertise in management your investments in African gold and diamonds with legality, confidence, security and professional results in each operation.
"Contrairement à l'Européen classique, l'Africain noir ne se distingue pas de l'objet, ne le tient pas à distance, ne le regarde pas, ne l'analyse pas. Il le touche, le sent, l'hume."
- "Léopold Sédar Senghor"-

The main corporate purpose of GOLD JLB UK GROUP is the development, processing and marketing of various minerals that are abundant in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
All our products are supplied directly from the collaboration with the cooperatives mines, which allows us to develop the sale and marketing of minerals with a beneficial impact for the cooperatives.
We offer investors the opportunity to buy Gold. GOLD JLB UK GROUP make buying gold quick, easy, legal and safe. Our team are at your entire disposition to resolve any questions you may have.

Trust & Safe
GOLD JLB UK GROUP then provides these various cooperatives with both material and financial resources to facilitate the development of their mining quarries.
With regard to the processing of products from mines and quarries, GOD JLB UK GROUP has opted for a subcontracting policy depending on the processing to be carried out on one product or another.
It is worth noting that while some products are exported in raw form, innovations in modern energy technologies are being implemented to promote the local processing of natural resources. These include columbite-tantalite (coltan), lithium diamonds (for both industrial and jewelry purposes), gold glass, emeralds, garnets, rubies, zircon, and many other precious and semi-precious stones (a comprehensive list of products in this category is not feasible).
Gold Sale

We offer high quality gold, directly from trusted and certified Cooperatives.

Diamonds for sale
Authentic diamonds "Kimberley process", guaranteeing quality and provenance in every transaction.
Our experience ensures legal and profitable investments.
Safe Investments
Sell & Purchase Transparecy
We buy gold and diamonds and other precious metals. If you are the owner or cooperative member of a mine, please contact us.

We sell our minerals and precious metals legal and quickly, delivering them to any main authorized refinery.
"Le progrès ne peut pas être mesuré par ce que nous possédons,
mais par ce que nous partageons et construisons ensemble."
- "Thomas Sankara" -
London, England
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